
Windows instructions
AniVoxel may trigger the Windows SmartScreen filter as an "unrecognized app". If this happens, please right-click the "AniVoxel.exe" file and open the file properties. Then, under "General" at the bottom tick the "Unblock" checkbox.

Linux instructions
Under linux the AniVoxel file may need to be set as an executable program. For this, please right-click the "AniVoxel" file and open the file properties. Then, under "Permissions" at the bottom tick the "Allow executing file as program" checkbox.

The mouse is used to navigate inside the viewport:
  • The right mouse button (RMB) is used to rotate the view
  • The middle mouse button (MMB) is used to drag the current view target
  • The mouse wheel is used to zoom in and out
To reset the current camera view, you may use the "Recenter Camera" button in the display settings found via the button in the viewport.

Smear frames are a way to simulate motion blur by extending the current frame in the direction of the previous frame.
AniVoxel allows controlling the smear frame strength in percent per frame/animation/mesh. To modify the smear frame strength ensure that an animation is selected and then click on the "Mesh Graphs" tab and then the "Smear Frames" button. Here all meshes are listed with inputs for each frame to control the strength.

AniVoxel allows controlling the visibility of meshes for each frame in each animation. To modify the visibility ensure that an animation is selected and then click on the "Mesh Graphs" tab and then the "Visibility" button. Here all meshes are listed with toggles for each frame to control the mesh visibility. By default all meshes are visible in all frames.

Mesh visibility in the editor viewport can be toggled through three states using the button right of each mesh entry.
The states are:
  • Default: the mesh is visible or hidden depending on the current animation frames visibility
  • Always Visible: the mesh is always visible, ignoring the current animation frames visibility
  • Always Hidden: the mesh is always hidden, ignoring the current animation frames visibility

The timeline can only be manipulated and navigated when a bone and animation are currently selected.

Panning: Click and hold right mouse button (RMB) at an empty position and move the mouse to pan the timeline.

Zoom: Scrolling with the mouse wheel will zoom vertically. Scrolling while holding Ctrl will zoom horizontally.

Add Control Point: To add a control point click anywhere in the timeline. By clicking and holding the left mouse button (LMB) a control point is added and can be moved around immediately. Additionally, a new control point can be precisely added by entering the X and Y values above the timeline and then clicking the button.

Move Control Point: To move a control point clickon the control point and hold with the left mouse button (LMB) and move the mouse around.

Edit Control Point: Instead of moving a control point with the mouse, the exact X and Y values can be set by right mouse clicking (RMB) the control point and then editing the values in the context menu.

Delete Control Point: Either click with the middle mouse button (MMB) on the control point to be deleted or right mouse click (RMB) the control point and then click the button.